Happy New Years everybody!!! I can't believe it's 2012 already. Last year seemed to fly by and held so many new and exciting changes! I hope this year is just as great for each and every one of us.
The start of a new year not only means new adventures but also that.... TV SHOWS ARE FINALLY BACK!!! First off I'd like to mention the Bachelor. As everyone knows Jennie and I love the Bachelor however I was no that excited about Ben being the bachelor this season. I figured I'd still watch the show and let's just say I'm not sure I will make it through this season. We all know I seem to find the drama, but I have never seen so much drama in my life. And what is up with the crying girl?!? Seriously Ben you kept HER!!!! After watching the previews I predict lots of crying and meltdowns and never a dull moment. It's going to be interesting.... Thankfully I have Vampire Diaries to keep me sane. I mean who didn't love the kiss between Elena and Damon. Oh and Grey's Anatomy I would just like to point out cost me an entire box of tissues this week. I figured after 6 full seasons that it was impossible to create a episode that emotional as this weeks but clearly I was wrong.
Check back as I plan on discussing all the shows premiers in full detail once they all come back especially...
xoxo ~ Michelle