Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday TV Roundup

It seems like it's about time to go a little bit more in depth with some of the Monday TV that was on tonight. I tend to DVR everything, so I don't necessarily watch my shows in order. I'll blog on them in the order they were seen...

Let's start with Hart of Dixie. I'm really enjoying this little show, the premise is pretty cute and I think Rachel Bilson is really pulling off the New Yorker transplant role. She's not coming off like an annoying outsider as much as I thought they would play up, so I'm definitely happy about that!

Tonight, the town of Bluebell was hit with a "heat wave" which basically gave the writers the ability to have most of the male cast in various states of undress. For the rest of this post the "heat wave" will no longer be called such and will henceforth be known as the "hottie wave."
Along with the hottie wave, this episode featured more of the various hookups and crushes. Zoe and Wade had a moment which I was all for! Of course we're supposed to be rooting for Zoe and George, but Wade as the cute, totally wrong for her country boy seems all right for her. George and Lemon are supposed to be the perfect couple, mainly because she's just annoyingly perfect. I think the part about Lemon that annoys me the most is the outfits. Was Jamie King in the movie Pleasantville? No? Well her clothes sure were...
As much as I can't really stand Lemon with George (even though I'm not totally set on Zoe with George yet, either), I do kinda love her with Lavon. We haven't seen how this is going to play out yet, but I'm interested in finding out what happened here and if dear old dad Brick is as big of a part in their secrecy as I'm kind of thinking he must be.

After Hart I tuned in to Gossip Girl and the big reveal of Dan's novel. The novel was met with a mixed bag of reviews, great ones from the critics and very bad ones from the people portrayed in the novel.
Serena was unhappy with being portrayed as a perpetual party girl, Blair as Dan's love interest, Rufus as a has been who married for money, Chuck as a suicidal billionare, and Nate as nothing. It seems like yes, everyone had room to be upset, but really couldn't they recognize this is as a first book with room for a sequel? I mean, overreaction much? The one part that I'm really loving about this season is the change in Chuck. He has adopted the cutest dog and his exchange tonight with Lily was very sweet. It seems he has changed for the better, soon it will be time for him to get back with Blair. Let's face it, they belong together.  Tonight's side story was that of Ivy/Charlie and Diana finding out her true identity. It will be interesting to see what kind of shenanigans she gets into. It's about time for Ivy/Charlie to get to be something other than the crazy bad girl, don't you think? I was actually thinking it was nice that they were giving her a second chance. Well there goes that...

Last but not least tonight was Terra Nova. In tonight's episode the sixers sent in a spy in the form of little runaway girl Leah. Of course she has to stay with the Shannon family and they all learn to love and trust her. Mira even stages a mini battle to "break out" little Leah and learn that she "ran away" from the sixers. Quite the confusing plot twist we have.
Ultimately Leah stays and proceeds to break into Mira's old house, find some ominous unopenable box, and get caught on her way out by Jim. When he goes outside the gates to find the brother she has convinced him that Mira is holding captive he learnes quite a bit (without actually learning anything) about what is really going on at Terra Nova. Is Taylor the good guy or the bad guy? What are they in Terra Nova for if it's not to start over? What is in the box? We get left with a lot of questions, and I for one am really interested in the show and finding out some of the answers. They can't give away everything this first season, now can they?

What did you think about tonight's shows? Do you think Zoe will ever pick a guy? Are Dan's friends going to come around? Is Taylor as bad as we think he is? I guess we'll see later...


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Awkward Date Night

So while I was in Oklahoma this past week I managed to get a date in. While the date went great... I pulled a total Michelle and made an idiot of myself. For starters I looked at my watch with 2 minutes left in the movie thinking I was still on Colorado time and decided since we had "an hour" left I could sneak out to the bathroom. Needless to say I walked back in when the credits were coming on. So I crept back up to my seat only to realize that I was on the wrong row and had to climb over the seat just in time for the lights to come on. Yep total Michelle moment. Anyways we saw Moneyball.

So Moneyball was surprising good. I didn't have much hopes in enjoying this movie going into it as I'm not a sports lover but overall it was a great story. It's incredible how one man was able to convince the world to change the way baseball recruits. I'd give the movie a A-

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Best Weekend EVER!

Michelle and I had a fabulous weekend together shopping, eating way more than we should have, and watching tons of movies! It may not be exciting to everyone else, but we definitely love our movie time and this weekend was no different. As for the reviews...

First we watched Hanna.

Let's just say the best part of the movie was Eric Bana (and the champagne). The worst part of the movie was everything else. I mean, it wasn't a horrible movie per se*, it just didn't make a whole lot of sense to me and I don't think it did for Michelle either. But Eric Bana is hot, so I'm thinking it didn't exactly ruin his career.

After Michelle and I had finished scratching our heads we put in Scream 4.

I was actually pretty impressed with most of the movie! Definitely didn't expect it. My least favorite part of the movie was Hayden Panettiere's hair. What was up with that? Other than that, the movie was good and I thought the opening sequence was pretty clever. My favorite? When Sookie got stabbed by Veronica Mars/the voice of Gossip Girl, that was just too funny.

The last movie we watched was Bridesmaids.

I know Michelle disagrees with me because she loved Melissa McCarthy, but my favorite was Rose Byrne. Such a different character from Ellen Parsons in Damages and I was totally loving it. I definitely hope they make a second movie! Let's face it, Wilson Phillips NEED them to make a second movie...


*are you happy now Dad?! Love you!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's Official...

NBC cancelled Playboy Club.

I'm pretty sure nobody in the free world is surprised that this show got cancelled, but I have to say I didn't think it was that bad. I hate to say that if this show was on HBO it probably would have been able to include just enough "spice" to actually keep it going. I have a feeling that so much of the issues with Playboy Club were from it being on a network station and not being able to get into the how the real playboy club was made popular. I always hate to see new shows leave, but with this one I guess I'll just have to conclude with a "buh-bye Tamara!"

So what do you think will be next? My guess is most likely Charlie's Angels. I mean, it seems like nobody is enjoying this show. I kinda feel bad for her that Rachel Taylor left a recurring role on Grey's Anatomy in order to "star" in this show. Hopefully they'll let Dr. Lucy come running back into the arms of Karev and let them be cute baby doctors together.

There are some new shows that I would be devastated if they get cancelled at this point! I'm loving Hart of Dixie because it's just adorable and I love Rachel Bilson. I heard that it doesn't have super fantastic ratings right now, but I'm really hoping that CW gives it a chance to shine and lets it stick around. Honestly, I haven't been super impressed with Gossip Girl so it's no wonder Hart isn't getting as many viewers from that.

On Fox, and also on Monday nights, I'm definitely hooked on Terra Nova. This show is just plain cool! I know that Fox is only airing 12 episodes this season, but I really hope that they have enough viewers to keep it going for another season next year. It's definitely one to watch.

Monday's are officially my biggest TV night because I also have 2 Broke Girls on CBS that I have to watch. Kat Dennings is hilarious and I'm really liking the concept of the show.

My last show that I'd be upset if it's cancelled is ABC's Revenge. I think that at this point this is probably my favorite new show of the season. I'm not sure if it's sustainable, but at the very least I hope ABC keeps it around so I'll know if Emily/Amanda can take down the "Queen of the Hamptons." You go girl!

What new show do you think will be cancelled next? What will you be sad to see gone if it gets the axe?


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Weekend Movies

This weekend the movies of choice were 50/50 and What's Your Number.

50/50 was a great movie. It had the right mixture of comedy and drama. It was very realistic and made you think about your own life. Joseph Levitt Gordon is a 27 year old man who finds out he has spinal cancer and his chances of survival are 50/50. He immediately begins chemo and relies on his girlfriend and best friend to help him through it. While many story lines are predictable, the movie does offer a real look at a person's life. As usual, Seth Rogan plays the same laughable character, however he adds the right amount of heart too. Hopefully everyone has a best friend just like him. Overall I rate the movie a A- and would recommend it for everyone. Just make sure to bring your tissues!!!

All I have to say is there is lots of delicious eye candy in this movie. The story follows Anna Farris's character all over the place trying to find all the guys fro her past that she has slept with. She read an article that says any women who has more than 20 sexual partners is less likely to get to get married ten someone who has had less than 20. Anna Farris does not want to sleep with another guy so she decides to reconnect with one from her past. She enlists her neighbor (Yummy Chris Evans) to help her find these guys. While the movie has some funny parts, the plot is extremely predictable and corny. Unless you are like me, just wait for the DVD... It's not worth your $10. Overall I rate the movie a C+