Friday, September 23, 2011

TV Promo Posters

My DVR is getting pretty full with the TV shows that I need to catch up on, so I'm not really ready to post about the content just yet. But one thing I do love about a new TV season are new TV promotional posters. This season I thought some were really good and some were just kinda blah. Here are a couple of the ones I found noteworthy (for being both good and not so good):

Hart of Dixie (Monday's on the CW)
I thought this poster was absolutely adorable and has some great details (like the little heart stethescope). I wonder if they purposely got suitcases that looked big enough for Rachel Bilson to crawl inside... probably. I've seen other promotional images that have a posed image of all the ensemble cast with Rachel Bilson in the middle. I definitely like this one because having her alone seems to portray what I think the show will be about: a big city girl moving into the middle of nowhere and being forced to figure things out on her own. This hits the mark for me. Grade: A

Grimm (Fridays on NBC)
I also really responded to this poster. From the initial look it just looks like any other CSI-type show with two guys examining the dead body, but look a little deeper. The hand in the foreground, the house billowing smoke in the background, and is that a red hood next to the body? I also liked the tagline here "not your usual suspects." Grade: A

Ringer (Tuesdays on the CW):

It's true, Sarah Michelle Gellar can do no wrong in my eyes and I have been anxiously awaiting her return to TV. I think these promo images really get across the main concept of the show (the twin thing) without pulling out so much of the additional story lines to confuse people. For a first season introductory promo I think they did a really good job. Grade: A

Secret Circle (Thursdays on the CW):
I thought this poster was alright. Not fantastic, but definitely not the worst of the bunch.
The coloring on it and the birds show that there is a little bit of a supernatural vibe to the show and the kids actually look like they're dressed appropriate for their characters. If the show sticks around for a second season I would hope that the poster starts to show a little bit more. Grade: B

Revenge (Wednesdays on ABC):
My only real problem with this is that Emily Van Camp looks about 40 feet tall. The thorn dress seems very appropriate, but it's soooo obviously photoshopped that it really loses it's appeal for me. I think I would like the poster a whole lot better if Emily was shown at more of a distance and the dress extended out in front of her instead of below her. I just think this looks weird... Grade: C

Pan Am (Sundays on ABC):
This poster has certainly grown on me. I first saw it and really didn't like it at all, but now I'm starting to see that it's okay for a first season attempt. I don't like how it seems obvious that the four ladies were photographed seperately and photoshopped together, they're in a little bit different places in their stride and I think it would have been much better if they were in the same place. Also, what's with the girl on the end of the right side who has her left leg forward instead of her right? I thought that part of the pan am brand is that they're all the exact same. Details people! Grade: C

Nikita (Fridays on the CW):
I'm giving this a C rating primarily because it's missing Alex! The tag line on it is "new allies, new enemies, new night." This picture does a great job of showing Nikita with her "new allies," but where are her "new enemies?" I feel like they should have had Alex in there on the left. Grade: C

Vampire Diaries (Thursdays on the CW):
I have to say, I don't think this poster says anything about the show or the third season. The one thing I do like about it is that they included Claus. I'm really excited that he's sticking around to be the bad guy on this upcoming season. But really, Elena wouldn't be wearing that ball gown. It's just a poster of pretty people in pretty poses and I don't see it attracting any new viewers unless they just really think the boys are hot (which they are, let's face it!). Grade: D

Gossip Girl (Mondays on the CW):
My issue with the Vampire Diaries poster is pretty much my same issue with this poster. Are they telling me to watch Gossip Girl because it's a bunch of pretty people in pretty clothes and pretty poses? Yes, Serena and Blair do dress up in pretty outfits and get all glammed out on occasion, but this poster sends a message to me that this is all the show is about. and what's with Dan in a suit? I thought he was supposed to be the cool hipster guy that was way too dorkishly cute to be bothered with the high society life! He looks pretty high society to me. I just don't think this poster gives anything about the characters or what the show is going to be about this season. Grade: D

Charlie's Angels (Thursdays on ABC):
I think ABC could have gone a lot of different directions with this promo. They could have gone completely nostalgic and done the Charlie's Angels "pose" we all know. They could have gone funky and shown how these aren't the same angels from the 70s. But instead they give us three pretty white girls (hey, I thought the one girl was actually black?!) in white dresses on a white background. They aren't showing any personality here to show how different they are and they aren't kickin it old school to play on the nostalgia. Grade: F

I'm still looking forward to seeing all the shows, even the ones that I think have silly posters! What do you think about the posters?


1 comment:

  1. I have to agree completely with Jennie's comment's on these TV posters. Especially The Charlie's Angels one. There are so many other options for this poster yet they picked the most generic poster possible that says absolutely nothing about the show. On a side note however, it fit the premiere exactly... boring with no personality or nostalgia. I'm going to give the show a fair chance, although it better improve fast or it's not going to make the cut.

